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enough什么意思中文意思 enough意思是什么

日期·2024-10-10 09:02

enough什么意思中文意思 enough意思是什么
enough什么意思中文意思 enough意思是什么


1、enough的中文意思 英 [nf]美 [nf]副词 足够地,充足地; 十分地形容词 足够的; 充足的名词 充分,足够; 满足int.够了例句1. I have had enough of your impudence.对于你的无礼,我已经受够了。

2、enough的词典解释1. 受够了If you say that you have had enough, you mean that you are unhappy with a situation and you want it to stop.e.g. I've had enough—there are limits even for the patience of a saint!...我已经受够了——即使是圣人忍耐也是有限的!2. 讲得够清楚了;不必再多说了If you say 'enough said', you mean that what you have just said is enough to make a point clear, and that there is no need to say any more.e.g. My husband is a jazz musician. Enough said.我丈夫是位爵士音乐家,透露这一点就够了。

3、3. (尤指对孩子说)别再闹了,够了You say 'that's enough' to tell someone, especially a child, to stop behaving in a silly, noisy, or unpleasant way.enough的双语例句1. I can`t say thanks enough to them?对他们的感谢,我说不完。

4、2. You have good/enough reason to say so.你有足够的理由这麼说。

5、3. Would you be kind enough to do it for me?你能好心的帮我一下吗?4. I promise, if you were interested enough to come here, then you will LOVE my other site, it's way better: YouMustChoose. com我承诺,如果你来到这里没的尽兴,你可能会爱我的其他网站,它的方式更好: The main objection to vegetarianism on a long-term basis is the difficulty of getting enough protein, the body- building element in food.从长远来看,素食主义的最大害处就是难以从食物中摄取足量的蛋白质这一构成人体的重要成分。


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