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这篇关于初二下册英语期末试卷附加答案,是 无 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! 一. 看图拼写单词(共10分,每小题1分)


1. Do you know what is in the _n_ _l_p_? 2. He likes s _ _t_ng very much.

3. Their son will start c_ _l_ge in January. 4. His hobby is collecting st_ _ps.

5. He drew a fl_ _ _r. 6. He was very poor. He has no c_ _n with him.

7. The w_nd_ _ is very clean. 8. It is a picture of an _ mp_r_r.

9. He runs very f_ _t. 10. The k_ _e is flying high in the sky.

二. 单项填空(共20分,每小题1分)


11. Be more careful with your work ____.

A.just thenB.since thenC.a moment laterD.from now on

12. Can you tell us ______?

A. where he you goneB. where you he gone

C. where he you beenD. where you he been

13. Do you think it will _________ this afternoon?

A. rainyB. rainsC. raining D. rain

14. I don't like going out. I'm very _______.

A. funnyB. quietC. quiteD. active

15. I used to be shy. I couldn't ___________________.

A.aloneB. speak in front of a large group

C. say anythingD. try

16. The children ____ by the nurse.

A. were lookedB. looked afterC. were looked afterD. looked

17. They ____ printing 500 copies by the end of last month.

A. had finishedB. he finishedC. had been finishedD. he been finished

18. They ______ day and night.

A. are made workB. are made to workC. made to be workedD. are making to work

19. Chang'an Road is ______of people.

A. filledB. fillC. fullD. fulled

20. A strange thing _____ in our school yesterday.

A. was happenedB. has been happenedC. happenedD. was going to happen

21. — Must I come here at eight o'clock ?— No,you ____. You may come a little later.

A. mustn'tB. needn'tC. may notD. can't

22. When the teacher came in,the students stopped ____ and became quiet.

A. talkingB. to talkC. saying D. to say

23. I'll finish my homework ________ a minute.

A. forB. atC. inD. with

24. Don't let the children play with knives,or they may cut ______.

A. themB. themselvesC. they D. theirs

25. —_____ do you listen to Radio English?—Every day.

A. How manyB. How oftenC. How muchD. How long

26. This math problem is so difficult that ____ students can work it out.

A. a fewB. fewC. a littleD. little

27. —No matter ____ he does,he is always careful.

—You are right. He is the most careful boy in our class.

A. whatB. whereC. whenD. how

28. If it ___ rain,I'll go.

A. doesn'tB. won'tC. don'tD. isn't

29. —What's the weather like tomorrow?—The radio says it is going to be even _____.

A. bad B. worseC. worstD. badly

30. Do you mind _____ the radio a little bit? I'm doing my homework.

A. turning onB. turning downC. turning offD. turning up

三. 完形填空 (共10分,每小题1分) 根据短文内容选择正确答案

I was riding my motorbike along a country road near Chilton on the evening of February 15. I 31 it was about 9:30. It was 32 and I couldn't see things clearly. So I was driving very 33,but the road was bad and suddenly my bike 34 a stone,and before I could stop my bike,I was already 35 on the ground. My whole 36 hurt,especially(特别) my left arm. I knew I was bleeding(流血),and I 37 get up. Luckily I was 38 by a policeman. He made a telephone call and I was taken to the 39. There I was examined. I had a broken arm and lots of cuts. My arm was put in a cast(石膏绷带) and my cuts were 40 and bandaged(包扎).

31. A. told B. saidC. guessD. thought

32. A. darkB. far C. long D. later

33. A. fastB. wellC. carefullyD. carelessly

34. A. kickedB. hit C. beat D. touched

35. A. standingB. sleeping C. waitingD. lying(躺)

36. A. mindB. bodyC. head D. arm

37. A. couldn'tB. didn't C. wouldn't D. might not

38. A. caughtB. held C. led D. found

39. A. police station B. village C. doctor D. hospital

40. A. stopped B. repaired C. servedD. cleaned

四. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分)



A treller(旅行者) came out of the airport(飞机场) There were a lot of taxis. He asked every taxi-driver his name. Then he took the third one. It cost 5 dollars(美元) from the airport to the hotel.“How much does it cost for the whole day?” the man asked.“100 dollars, ”said the taxi-driver. This was very dear,but the man said it was OK.

The taxi-driver took the man everywhere. He showed him all the parks and museums in the city. In the evening they went back to the hotel(旅馆). The treller ge the taxi-driver 100 dollars and said,“What about tomorrow? ”The taxi-driver looked at the man and said,“Tomorrow? It's another 100 dollars. ”But the man said,“That's OK! See you tomorrow. ”The taxi-driver was very pleased.

The next day the taxi-driver took the treller everywhere again. They visited(参观) all the parks and museums again. And in the evening they went back to the hotel. The man ge the taxi-driver 100 dollars again and said,“I'm going home tomorrow. ”The taxi-driver was sorry because he liked the treller and,above all,100 dollars a day was a lot of money.“So you're going home. Where do you come from?”he asked.“I come from New York.”“New York!”said the taxi-driver,“I he a sister in New York. Her name is Susannah. Do you know her?”“Of course I know her. She ge me 200 dollars for you! ”

41.Where did the treller come from?


42.Why did the treller take the third taxi? Because ____.

A.the other taxi-driver asked for more money

B.the third taxi-driver was a kind-hearted(热心肠的) man

C.he didn't want to spend his own money on the coming visit

D.the other driver didn't like him

43.Usually the cost of the trelling one day may be ____.

A.$100B.$200C.less than $100D.more than $200

44.Who asked the treller to give the money for the taxi-driver?

A.The treller's sister.B.The treller himself.C.Nobody.

D.The driver's sister.

45.The driver was unhappy ____.

A.when he heard the treller's last words

B.when the treller asked every taxi-driver his name

C.when the treller asked him for his sister's name

D.during the two-day visit


When tea and coffee were first introduced to Europe in the 18th century,people had different ideas about their use. Some said that tea and coffee were harmful to humans and they could cause people to die.

In Sweden(瑞典),King Gustaf Ⅲ decided to find out whether or not this was true. It happened that there were two brothers in prison at that time. They were twins and were almost exactly alike in every way. They had both been sentenced to death(). The King decided to let them live if one of the men agreed to drink several cups of tea each day and the other several cups of coffee.

Both brothers lived many years without problems of any kind. At last,the brother who had drunk tea every day died at the age of 83,the other died a few years later.

Because of the experiment,tea and coffee got accepted(接受) and became popular as drink in Sweden,and it is one of the many countries of the world where much tea and coffee is drunk today.

46. Tea and coffee were first introduced to Europe in ______.

A. the eighth centuryB. the eigh century

C. eighth centuriesD. eigh centuries

47. King Gustaf Ⅲ decided to find out ______.

A. if(是否) tea and coffee were harmful to people

B. if the twin brothers should be sentenced to death

C. if tea and coffee did harm to people's health and caused them to die

D. whether tea and coffee were useful or not

48. The King decided to let the brothers live ______.

A. if they wanted to obey his rules B. if they agreed to drink tea and coffee every day

C.if one of them drink several cups of tea each day while the other had several cups of coffee

D. if they agreed to he several cups of tea every day

49. The brother who had drunk tea every day lived ______.

A. until he was over 83

B. until he was 83

C. until the other had been dead for several years

D. until he had drunk tea for a few years

50. Today the Swedish drink ______.

A. much more coffee than teaB. much tea and coffee

C. little tea and coffeeD. much tea but little coffee


Soon it would be the holidays. But before that,there were the end of year exams. All the students had been working hard for some time. If they didn't pass,they would he to retake the exams in September. There were usually a few who failed,but Kate decided not to be one of them. She had worked hard all day,but just before the exams she was working so hard that her sister was worried about her. She was staying up too late. The night before the first exam, Barbala insisted(坚持) that she should he an early night and take a sleeping pill. She promised(许诺) to wake her in the morning.

As she was falling asleep,Kate was worried in case(万一) she over-slept. Her mind kept jumping from subject to subject. At last,with the help of the pill,she fell asleep. In no time at all,she was sitting in the examination hall, looking at the paper. She couldn't answer any of the questions. Everyone round her was writing pages and pages. However hard she thought,she couldn't find anything to write about. She kept looking at her watch. Time was running out. There was only one hour left. She started one question,wrote two sentences,ge up and tried another one. With only half an hour left she wrote another two sentences. By this time she was so worried that she started crying. Her whole body shook(摇晃,震颤). It shook so much that it woke her up. She was still in bed and it had all been a terrible dream. A minute later, Barbala called her name.

51. Which of the following is true?

A. All the students were usually successful in their exams.

B. Most of the students usually passed the year exams.

C. Only some of the students could pass the end of year exams.

D. None of the students would take the exams again in September.

52. When you prepare for an exam,________.

A. you go over your lessons.B. You read new books.

C. You take the exam again and again.D. You look through the exam.

53. Kate worked very hard before the exams for ______.

A. she was very poor at her lessons.B. she decided to be the best one in her class.

C. she didn’t work hard all year.D. she didn’t want to fail in them.

54. Why did Barbala insist that Kate should take a sleeping pill?

A. Because she thought Kate should oversleep before the first exam.

B. Because Kate was so worried about her exams that she couldn’t go to sleep at all.

C. Because Barbala hoped her sister would he a good sleep before the first exam.

D. Because she had promised to wake her up the next morning.

55. Kate dreamed a terrible dream simply because ______.

A. she had taken a sleeping pill.B. she was too worried about her exams.

C. her sister had forgotten to wake her up.D. she did not pass the exams.



56. u ______v. to know or get the meaning of (something)

57. F ______n. the second month of the year

58. f ______n. popular way of dressing or behing at a certain time

59. j ______n. trousers made of strong cotton cloth (denim)

60. s ______adj. unhappy


61. She bought some books for me last Sunday.(就画线部分提问)

____ ____ she ____ for you last Sunday?

62. Mr.Black teaches in a middle school.(改为一般疑问句)

____ Mr.Black ____ in a middle school?

63. My uncle worked in Shanghai for more than ten years. (就画线部分提问)

____ ____ ____ your uncle ____ in Shanghai?

64. Mike went to the park yesterday.(改为否定句)

Mike ____ ____ to the park yesterday.

65. The students are going to help the farmers to pick apples next Sunday.(就画线部分提问)

____ ____ the students ____ ____ ____ next Sunday?


66. 躺着看书对你的眼睛有害。read,in bed,bad,your eyes


67. 我出生于1980年6月18号。I,born,June 18,1980


68. 你不要在这条河里游泳。you,swim,in the river


69. 今天是几号?what,the,today


70. 凯特昨天在回家的路上买了一些蔬菜。Kate,buy,some,vegetables,way,home,yesterday




1. 第1格要求至少写出两个完整的句子;

2. 第2、3、4、5格要求将句子补充完整,单词数不限;

3. 第6格要求将You'd better…补充完整后,再至少写出一个完整的句子。

It was Christmas Day. My friends came to my house. We danced and sang together. We enjoyed ourselves very much. How time flied! It was time for us to exchange(交换) our Christmas presents. I went to my bedroom go get the presents. When I went into the room,to my surprise,I found my friend Ben 71 my diary. It was impolite to do that! But Ben was laughing! I was

72 that I was about to cry. Ben felt a bit sorry when he found me standing 73 him. I hated him and shouted at him. He went out of my room at once and went home without saying goodbye to any of us. One of my best friends Any asked me why Ben 74 so early. I told her what had just happened. She seemed to know what should do. She said to me,“Don't shout at him. You'd better 75.”

一. 看图拼写单词

1. envelope 2. skating3. college4. stamps

5. flower 6. coin7. window 8. emperor

9. fast 10. kite

二. 单项填空

11. D12. D13. D14. B15. B16. C17. A18. B19. C20. C

21. B22. A23. C24. B25. B26. B27. A28. A29. B30. B

三. 完形填空

31. D32. A33. C34. B35. D36. B37. A38. D39. D40. D

四. 阅读理解




五. 单词拼写

56. understand57. February58. fashio59. jeans60. sad

六. 句型转换

61. What,did,buy 62. Does,teach 63. How,long,did,work

64. didn't,go 65. What,are,going,to,do

七. 看词组句

66. Reading in bed is bad for your eyes.67. I was born on June 18,1980.

68. You'd better not swim in the river69. What's the date today?

70. Kate bought some vegetables on her way home yesterday.

八. 书面表达

71. was reading72. so angry73. in front of74. went back / home / away

75. pardon him / get on well with him / say sorry to him.

以下是 初二频道 为大家提供的《八年级英语期末试卷》,供大家参考!

部分 听力测试(20分)


( )1.


( )6.A.White. B.Size M. C.The cotton one.

( )7.A.Two cups of tea, please.B.Take a seat, please. C.It’s 80 yuan.

( )8.A.No, you can’t. B.Not at all. C.No, I don’t think so.

( )9.A.Be careful! B.I’m afraid not. C.He a good trip!

( )10.A.I’m selling vegetables B.The same to you. C. Fine, thanks.



( )11.What time will they meet?

A. At 4:00. B. At 4:15. C. At 4:30.

( )12.How will they go to the shops?

A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By taxi.


( )13.How does Peter look?

A. Tired. B. Sad. C. Worried.

( )14.Who is Jack?

A. Peter’s brother. B. Peter’s cousin. C. Peter’s clasate.

( )15.What did Peter and Jack talk about?

A. Movies. B. Sports. C. School subjects.


( )16. When did Li Hong go shopping?

A. Last Sunday. B. Last Monday. C. Last Saturday.

( )17. Who did Li Hong go shopping with?

A. Her mother. B. Her father. C. Her sister.

( )18. How was the orange coat for Li Hong?

A. Too short. B. Too expensive. C. Too long.

( )19. How many coats did Li Hong try on?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.

( )20. What did the salesgirl ask them to do?

A. To buy the coat tomorrow. B. To buy a cheaper one.

C. To choose the black one.


Trip Information

How long does it take to go to London? For about 21. ______ hours.

When to lee? At 22. ______ .

What they must bring with them? 23. ______.

What color are their hats? They should wear 24.______hats.

How to deal with their problems? Call for help at 25. ______.

21._________22.__________ 23.___________ 24.________ 25.________



( )26. I______ a letter to my mother, but now I often send short messages to her.

A. am used to writing B. used to write C. used to writing

( )27. —Why are you so ______?—I passed my English exam.

A. cruel B. strict C. pleased

( )28.Linda felt _nervous __she forgot to introduce herself at the speech contest.

A. so…that B. too…to C. such…that

( )29. Students are not allowed ______ on the street ______it is too dangerous.

A. play…because B. play…because of C. to play…because

( )30. —Could you please tell me ___________ these old books?

—You’d better send them for reusing.

A. what to do with B. what to do C.how to do it with

( )31. _______ your eyes from the sun, you’d better ________ sunglasses.

A. To protect; wear B. To protect; not wear C. Protect; wear

( )32. This T-shirt looks ______and sells ______.

A. well…well B.good…nice C. nice…well ( )33. Did doing his homework______ his parents went back from work .

A. while B. when C. until

( )34. ______ her clothes are old, _________ they look clean.

A. Because; / B. Because; so C. Though; /

( )35. After hard work, we _________ the answer to the math problem at last.

A. got along with B. caught up with C. came up with

( )36. This room is ____________ours.

A. as twice as big B. twice times as big as C. twice as big as

( )37. —Does Ted tell you if he ______next Sunday?

—No, but if he ______, I’ll give you a call.

A. will come/will come B. comes/will come C. will come/comes

( )38. —I am quite sure ______ to eat noisily during a meal in Japan.

A. that’s polite B. that it’s polite C. if that’s impolite

( )39. —Can we hold a sports meeting next Saturday?

—This depends on _________ the weather is fine.

A. that B. whether C. if

( )40. —Do you know _______ yesterday?

—He has a bad cold.

A. what the trouble was with him B. what the matter was with him

C. what was the matter with him.


An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden. He took care of 41____all the time, watering and fertilizing them. One day a young man passed 42_____the garden. He looked at the beautiful flowers, imagining how happy he could be 43_____he lived in such a beautiful place. Then suddenly he 44______the old gardener was blind. He was very 45_____ about this and asked, “ You can’t see these flowers. Why are you busy taking care of them every day?”

The old man iled and said, “I can tell you four 46______. First, I was a 47_____ when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, 48______I can’t see these flowers, but I can ell them. Third, I can ell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’s 49______.”

“Me? But you don’t know me.” Said the young man.

“Yeah, it’s 50_____that I don’t know you. But I know that 51______thinks flowers are angels. We enjoy the happiness these flowers bring us.”

The blind man’s work 52_____our eyes and pleased our hearts. It also made his life 53_____. It was just like Beethoven. Beethoven wrote many great music, but there was something wrong with his ears in his later life. Beethoven himself couldn’t hear his wonderful music, but his music 54______millions of people to face their difficulties 55______. Isn’t it one kind of happiness?

( ) 41. A.grass B.flowers C.vegetables

( ) 42. A.from B.on C.by

( ) 43.A.after B. when C. if

( ) 44.A.felt B. found C. found out

( ) 45.A.surpried B. worried C. surprising

( ) 46.A.excuses B. stories C. reasons

( ) 47.A.teacher B. gardener C. worker

( ) 48.A.although B. though C. /

( ) 49.A.my children B. you C. my wife

( ) 50.A.wrong B. nothing C. true

( ) 51.A.everybody B. somebody C. nobody

( ) 52.A.closed B. satisfied C. satisfy

( ) 53.A.emptier B. busier C. happier

( ) 54. Amakes B. improves C. encourages

( ) 55.A.happily B. brely C. carefully



Every 30 seconds there is an earthquake. But don’t worry because most are so weak that they cannot be felt. Only a few big ones hurt people.

Many earthquakes happened in China, such as the big one in Sichuan on May 12, 2008. Thousands of people died in it. So it’s important to know what to do when it hits. Here are some tips (要点)on how to stay safe in an earthquake.

1. If you’re indoors during the earthquake, hide under a desk. Stay away from windows and anything that could fall on you.

2. If you are outdoors, move to a clear place. Try to be away from trees, signs, buildings and streetlights. Those could fall on you.

3. If you are in a shop and far from the door, don’t try to run outside and rush from exits. Everyone will be doing that and you’ll find it hard to get out. Don’t get into a lift during an earthquake. Just hide under some stong cover near you.

4. When an earthquake has ended, be careful because aftershocks(余震) may still happen . These are just as dangerous as the earthquake itself. So stay under the desk until you make sure it’s safe to get up.

5. If you are at home and ell gas, open the windows and get out of the building as quickly as possible. A gas line in your house may be broken. This could be very dangerous. ( ) 56. Most earthquakes are too_____ to hurt people.

A. strong B. weak C. dangerous.

( ) 57. If you are outside, it would be safe to ________.

A.go to a playground B.stay under a tree.C.stand by the window

( ) 58.If you are in a shop and far away from the door, you’d better___________

A.rush to the door right away B. run after the people quickly

C. hide yourself under a cover near you.

( ) 59. The best title of the passage is___________.

A. How dangerous the earthquake is.

B.How to be safe during an earthquake

C. Don’t be afraid of the earthquake

( ) 60. Which of the following is TURE according to the passage?

A.Most earthquakes are dangerous, so we must be very careful every day.

B.You’d better keep away from those things that may fall on you wherever you are.

C.If you ell gas at home, try to hide under the desk and don’t run outside quickly


Customs in different countries are different. If I he dinner with a Chinese host (主人), he always puts more food onto my plates. That often discomforts(使不舒服)me greatly. I he to eat the food though I don’t want to, because it is a bad manner in the west to lee one’s food on the plate. I notice that when a Chinese sits at an American’s dinner party, he very often refuses the offer(提供)of food or drink though he wants to he them. This may be good manners in China, but it is not in the West at all. In the United States, it is impolite to keep asking someone again and again or make him accept something. They will ask for it. If not, they will say, “ No, thanks.” If an American dislikes the host’s beer, for example, he may say, “No, thanks. I would like other drinks. Coke-cola if you he it.” That is what an American will do. So when you go to the United states, you had better remember the famous saying, when in Rome, do as the Romans (罗马人) do.


( ) 61. From the passage, we can know that the Chinese are usually impolite.

( ) 62.When a foreigner has dinner with a Chinese host, he often feels uncomfortable .

( ) 63. A Chinese often refuses the offer of food or drink at a dinner party.

( ) 64.An American wants something to eat or drink at a dinner, he will get it himself

( ) 65. When you go to a new country, it’s polite to do as the Romans do.


Clothes are very important in our life. Different people wear different clothes. Now let’s listen to some people in France talking about clothes.

Hello, I’m Betty. I started working this year, so I’m able to get new clothes more often than before. I think what I look like is really important to me, so I spent much money on clothes. I like to wear bright colors and always dress up when I go to parties. I often buy all kinds of clothes and try to follow the latest fashion.

Hi, I’m Jack. I don’t he much to say about clothes. Clothes aren’t the thing I’m interested in. I know little about the way of dressing. In summer, I always wear a T-shirt or something else.

My name is Alice. I would like say that clothes must be comfortable and feel easy to put on. Sometimes I buy clothes in some all street markets — they are cheap there. I change the look of my clothes quite often — put some flowers on them or use different buttons, just for a change. They’ll look good all the time. I go shopping for clothes about once a month. I see something and fashionable and it fits me well, I would go for it and then…

Different people wear different clothes. They are very important in our life. Now some people in France are talking about clothes. Betty started 66______ a year ago. She 67_____much for clothes and she will try to 68______ the latest fashion. Jack is different from Betty. He doesn’t he much 69______ in dressing. In Alice’s opinion clothes should be comfortable first and then70_______


The computer is a useful machine. It can help people very much in daily life. For example, it can se much time to do the same work, and it can help people ro work out difficult problems that people can’t do easily. What’s more, it makes more convenient and quick to send and receive messages. In the new century, it seems that it’s more necessary for everyone to learn how to use computers even for the old. The computer is really an important tool in modern life.

Today, more and more families he computers. Parents buy computers for their children. They hope computers can help their children get good grades. Yet, many children use computers to play games, to watch videos, and to sing karaoke, instead of studying. So, many teachers and parents complain that computers can’t help their children to improve their studies but instead make them fall behind. Because of this, computers are locked in boxes by parents.

In some other countries even some scientists hate computers. They say that computers cause millions of people lose their jobs or cause them a lot of trouble.

Who knows what the computers of tomorrow will be like? Will they really make life better, or will they bring trouble to people? The students today will he to decide how to use the computers of tomorrow.

71. Computers are useless machine in the daily life, aren’t they?


72.What do the parents buy their children computers for?


73.According to the passage, can computers really help children to study well?


74.Who knows what the computers of tomorrow will be like?


75. In some countries, why do scientists hate computers?

_________________________________________________ IV.情景交际。(10分)


M---Michael, J---Joe

M:--Hi, Joe, 76__________________?

J: I’d love to, but I don’t know how I can. What can I do?

M: Well.77_______________________________.

J: Yes. That’s easy. Sometimes I turn off the lights without thinking.

What’s next?

M: Second, you can ride a bike .78___________________.

J: That will se money, too. What else?

M: Try to recycle paper.

J: Oh, good idea. Newspapers, magazines, mails…79_________________.

M: And at last, take a bag when you go shopping. Don’t use plastic bags.

J: OK. 80________ I will tell them.


A: Good morning!81____________________________?

B: Good morning, sir. I’d like to buy a pair of pants.

A: Who is it for? Is ti for you, madam?

B: No, It’s for my daughter.

A: 82__________________________________________?

B: Size L.

A: How about this blue pair?

B: It looks nice. 83________________________________.

A. It’s cotton. It’s made of natural materials.

B. Good. It feels soft, too.84__________________________.

A: It’s 88yuan.

B: It’s a bit expensive. 85_____________________________?

A: How about 70 Yuan?

B: 70 Yuan? Er, it’s really a nice pair. I’ll take it. Here ’s the money.

A: Thanks, madam. See you next time.






4.参考词汇有:advice, keep healthy, take exercise, junk food (食品), enough sleep, oke, wine, keep happy


Dear boys and girls,


这篇关于初二下册英语期末试卷附加答案,是 无 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! 一. 看图拼写单词(共10分,每小题1分)

1. Do you know what is in the _n_ _l_p_? 2. He likes s _ _t_ng very much.

3. Their son will start c_ _l_ge in January. 4. His hobby is collecting st_ _ps.

5. He drew a fl_ _ _r. 6. He was very poor. He has no c_ _n with him.

7. The w_nd_ _ is very clean. 8. It is a picture of an _ mp_r_r.

9. He runs very f_ _t. 10. The k_ _e is flying high in the sky.

二. 单项填空(共20分,每小题1分)


11. Be more careful with your work ____.

A.just thenB.since thenC.a moment laterD.from now on

12. Can you tell us ______?

A. where he you goneB. where you he gone

C. where he you beenD. where you he been

13. Do you think it will _________ this afternoon?

A. rainyB. rainsC. raining D. rain

14. I don't like going out. I'm very _______.

A. funnyB. quietC. quiteD. active

15. I used to be shy. I couldn't ___________________.

A.aloneB. speak in front of a large group

C. say anythingD. try

16. The children ____ by the nurse.

A. were lookedB. looked afterC. were looked afterD. looked

17. They ____ printing 500 copies by the end of last month.

A. had finishedB. he finishedC. had been finishedD. he been finished

18. They ______ day and night.

A. are made workB. are made to workC. made to be workedD. are making to work

19. Chang'an Road is ______of people.

A. filledB. fillC. fullD. fulled

20. A strange thing _____ in our school yesterday.

A. was happenedB. has been happenedC. happenedD. was going to happen

21. — Must I come here at eight o'clock ?— No,you ____. You may come a little later.

A. mustn'tB. needn'tC. may notD. can't

22. When the teacher came in,the students stopped ____ and became quiet.

A. talkingB. to talkC. saying D. to say

23. I'll finish my homework ________ a minute.

A. forB. atC. inD. with

24. Don't let the children play with knives,or they may cut ______.

A. themB. themselvesC. they D. theirs

25. —_____ do you listen to Radio English?—Every day.

A. How manyB. How oftenC. How muchD. How long

26. This math problem is so difficult that ____ students can work it out.

A. a fewB. fewC. a littleD. little

27. —No matter ____ he does,he is always careful.

—You are right. He is the most careful boy in our class.

A. whatB. whereC. whenD. how

28. If it ___ rain,I'll go.

A. doesn'tB. won'tC. don'tD. isn't

29. —What's the weather like tomorrow?—The radio says it is going to be even _____.

A. bad B. worseC. worstD. badly

30. Do you mind _____ the radio a little bit? I'm doing my homework.

A. turning onB. turning downC. turning offD. turning up

三. 完形填空 (共10分,每小题1分) 根据短文内容选择正确答案

I was riding my motorbike along a country road near Chilton on the evening of February 15. I 31 it was about 9:30. It was 32 and I couldn't see things clearly. So I was driving very 33,but the road was bad and suddenly my bike 34 a stone,and before I could stop my bike,I was already 35 on the ground. My whole 36 hurt,especially(特别) my left arm. I knew I was bleeding(流血),and I 37 get up. Luckily I was 38 by a policeman. He made a telephone call and I was taken to the 39. There I was examined. I had a broken arm and lots of cuts. My arm was put in a cast(石膏绷带) and my cuts were 40 and bandaged(包扎).

31. A. told B. saidC. guessD. thought

32. A. darkB. far C. long D. later

33. A. fastB. wellC. carefullyD. carelessly

34. A. kickedB. hit C. beat D. touched

35. A. standingB. sleeping C. waitingD. lying(躺)

36. A. mindB. bodyC. head D. arm

37. A. couldn'tB. didn't C. wouldn't D. might not

38. A. caughtB. held C. led D. found

39. A. police station B. village C. doctor D. hospital

40. A. stopped B. repaired C. servedD. cleaned

四. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分)



A treller(旅行者) came out of the airport(飞机场) There were a lot of taxis. He asked every taxi-driver his name. Then he took the third one. It cost 5 dollars(美元) from the airport to the hotel.“How much does it cost for the whole day?” the man asked.“100 dollars, ”said the taxi-driver. This was very dear,but the man said it was OK.

The taxi-driver took the man everywhere. He showed him all the parks and museums in the city. In the evening they went back to the hotel(旅馆). The treller ge the taxi-driver 100 dollars and said,“What about tomorrow? ”The taxi-driver looked at the man and said,“Tomorrow? It's another 100 dollars. ”But the man said,“That's OK! See you tomorrow. ”The taxi-driver was very pleased.

The next day the taxi-driver took the treller everywhere again. They visited(参观) all the parks and museums again. And in the evening they went back to the hotel. The man ge the taxi-driver 100 dollars again and said,“I'm going home tomorrow. ”The taxi-driver was sorry because he liked the treller and,above all,100 dollars a day was a lot of money.“So you're going home. Where do you come from?”he asked.“I come from New York.”“New York!”said the taxi-driver,“I he a sister in New York. Her name is Susannah. Do you know her?”“Of course I know her. She ge me 200 dollars for you! ”

41.Where did the treller come from?


42.Why did the treller take the third taxi? Because ____.

A.the other taxi-driver asked for more money

B.the third taxi-driver was a kind-hearted(热心肠的) man

C.he didn't want to spend his own money on the coming visit

D.the other driver didn't like him

43.Usually the cost of the trelling one day may be ____.

A.$100B.$200C.less than $100D.more than $200

44.Who asked the treller to give the money for the taxi-driver?

A.The treller's sister.B.The treller himself.C.Nobody.

D.The driver's sister.

45.The driver was unhappy ____.

A.when he heard the treller's last words

B.when the treller asked every taxi-driver his name

C.when the treller asked him for his sister's name

D.during the two-day visit


When tea and coffee were first introduced to Europe in the 18th century,people had different ideas about their use. Some said that tea and coffee were harmful to humans and they could cause people to die.

In Sweden(瑞典),King Gustaf Ⅲ decided to find out whether or not this was true. It happened that there were two brothers in prison at that time. They were twins and were almost exactly alike in every way. They had both been sentenced to death(). The King decided to let them live if one of the men agreed to drink several cups of tea each day and the other several cups of coffee.

Both brothers lived many years without problems of any kind. At last,the brother who had drunk tea every day died at the age of 83,the other died a few years later.

Because of the experiment,tea and coffee got accepted(接受) and became popular as drink in Sweden,and it is one of the many countries of the world where much tea and coffee is drunk today.

46. Tea and coffee were first introduced to Europe in ______.

A. the eighth centuryB. the eigh century

C. eighth centuriesD. eigh centuries

47. King Gustaf Ⅲ decided to find out ______.

A. if(是否) tea and coffee were harmful to people

B. if the twin brothers should be sentenced to death

C. if tea and coffee did harm to people's health and caused them to die

D. whether tea and coffee were useful or not

48. The King decided to let the brothers live ______.

A. if they wanted to obey his rules B. if they agreed to drink tea and coffee every day

C.if one of them drink several cups of tea each day while the other had several cups of coffee

D. if they agreed to he several cups of tea every day

49. The brother who had drunk tea every day lived ______.

A. until he was over 83

B. until he was 83

C. until the other had been dead for several years

D. until he had drunk tea for a few years

50. Today the Swedish drink ______.

A. much more coffee than teaB. much tea and coffee

C. little tea and coffeeD. much tea but little coffee


Soon it would be the holidays. But before that,there were the end of year exams. All the students had been working hard for some time. If they didn't pass,they would he to retake the exams in September. There were usually a few who failed,but Kate decided not to be one of them. She had worked hard all day,but just before the exams she was working so hard that her sister was worried about her. She was staying up too late. The night before the first exam, Barbala insisted(坚持) that she should he an early night and take a sleeping pill. She promised(许诺) to wake her in the morning.

As she was falling asleep,Kate was worried in case(万一) she over-slept. Her mind kept jumping from subject to subject. At last,with the help of the pill,she fell asleep. In no time at all,she was sitting in the examination hall, looking at the paper. She couldn't answer any of the questions. Everyone round her was writing pages and pages. However hard she thought,she couldn't find anything to write about. She kept looking at her watch. Time was running out. There was only one hour left. She started one question,wrote two sentences,ge up and tried another one. With only half an hour left she wrote another two sentences. By this time she was so worried that she started crying. Her whole body shook(摇晃,震颤). It shook so much that it woke her up. She was still in bed and it had all been a terrible dream. A minute later, Barbala called her name.

51. Which of the following is true?

A. All the students were usually successful in their exams.

B. Most of the students usually passed the year exams.

C. Only some of the students could pass the end of year exams.

D. None of the students would take the exams again in September.

52. When you prepare for an exam,________.

A. you go over your lessons.B. You read new books.

C. You take the exam again and again.D. You look through the exam.

53. Kate worked very hard before the exams for ______.

A. she was very poor at her lessons.B. she decided to be the best one in her class.

C. she didn’t work hard all year.D. she didn’t want to fail in them.

54. Why did Barbala insist that Kate should take a sleeping pill?

A. Because she thought Kate should oversleep before the first exam.

B. Because Kate was so worried about her exams that she couldn’t go to sleep at all.

C. Because Barbala hoped her sister would he a good sleep before the first exam.

D. Because she had promised to wake her up the next morning.

55. Kate dreamed a terrible dream simply because ______.

A. she had taken a sleeping pill.B. she was too worried about her exams.

C. her sister had forgotten to wake her up.D. she did not pass the exams.



56. u ______v. to know or get the meaning of (something)

57. F ______n. the second month of the year

58. f ______n. popular way of dressing or behing at a certain time

59. j ______n. trousers made of strong cotton cloth (denim)

60. s ______adj. unhappy


61. She bought some books for me last Sunday.(就画线部分提问)

____ ____ she ____ for you last Sunday?

62. Mr.Black teaches in a middle school.(改为一般疑问句)

____ Mr.Black ____ in a middle school?

63. My uncle worked in Shanghai for more than ten years. (就画线部分提问)

____ ____ ____ your uncle ____ in Shanghai?

64. Mike went to the park yesterday.(改为否定句)

Mike ____ ____ to the park yesterday.

65. The students are going to help the farmers to pick apples next Sunday.(就画线部分提问)

____ ____ the students ____ ____ ____ next Sunday?


66. 躺着看书对你的眼睛有害。read,in bed,bad,your eyes


67. 我出生于1980年6月18号。I,born,June 18,1980


68. 你不要在这条河里游泳。you,swim,in the river


69. 今天是几号?what,the,today


70. 凯特昨天在回家的路上买了一些蔬菜。Kate,buy,some,vegetables,way,home,yesterday




1. 第1格要求至少写出两个完整的句子;

2. 第2、3、4、5格要求将句子补充完整,单词数不限;

3. 第6格要求将You'd better…补充完整后,再至少写出一个完整的句子。

It was Christmas Day. My friends came to my house. We danced and sang together. We enjoyed ourselves very much. How time flied! It was time for us to exchange(交换) our Christmas presents. I went to my bedroom go get the presents. When I went into the room,to my surprise,I found my friend Ben 71 my diary. It was impolite to do that! But Ben was laughing! I was

72 that I was about to cry. Ben felt a bit sorry when he found me standing 73 him. I hated him and shouted at him. He went out of my room at once and went home without saying goodbye to any of us. One of my best friends Any asked me why Ben 74 so early. I told her what had just happened. She seemed to know what should do. She said to me,“Don't shout at him. You'd better 75.”

一. 看图拼写单词

1. envelope 2. skating3. college4. stamps

5. flower 6. coin7. window 8. emperor

9. fast 10. kite

二. 单项填空

11. D12. D13. D14. B15. B16. C17. A18. B19. C20. C

21. B22. A23. C24. B25. B26. B27. A28. A29. B30. B

三. 完形填空

31. D32. A33. C34. B35. D36. B37. A38. D39. D40. D

四. 阅读理解




五. 单词拼写

56. understand57. February58. fashio59. jeans60. sad

六. 句型转换

61. What,did,buy 62. Does,teach 63. How,long,did,work

64. didn't,go 65. What,are,going,to,do

七. 看词组句

66. Reading in bed is bad for your eyes.67. I was born on June 18,1980.

68. You'd better not swim in the river69. What's the date today?

70. Kate bought some vegetables on her way home yesterday.

八. 书面表达

71. was reading72. so angry73. in front of74. went back / home / away

75. pardon him / get on well with him / say sorry to him.

以下是 初二频道 为大家提供的《八年级英语期末试卷》,供大家参考!

部分 听力测试(20分)


( )1.


( )6.A.White. B.Size M. C.The cotton one.

( )7.A.Two cups of tea, please.B.Take a seat, please. C.It’s 80 yuan.

( )8.A.No, you can’t. B.Not at all. C.No, I don’t think so.

( )9.A.Be careful! B.I’m afraid not. C.He a good trip!

( )10.A.I’m selling vegetables B.The same to you. C. Fine, thanks.



( )11.What time will they meet?

A. At 4:00. B. At 4:15. C. At 4:30.

( )12.How will they go to the shops?

A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By taxi.


( )13.How does Peter look?

A. Tired. B. Sad. C. Worried.

( )14.Who is Jack?

A. Peter’s brother. B. Peter’s cousin. C. Peter’s clasate.

( )15.What did Peter and Jack talk about?

A. Movies. B. Sports. C. School subjects.


( )16. When did Li Hong go shopping?

A. Last Sunday. B. Last Monday. C. Last Saturday.

( )17. Who did Li Hong go shopping with?

A. Her mother. B. Her father. C. Her sister.

( )18. How was the orange coat for Li Hong?

A. Too short. B. Too expensive. C. Too long.

( )19. How many coats did Li Hong try on?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.

( )20. What did the salesgirl ask them to do?

A. To buy the coat tomorrow. B. To buy a cheaper one.

C. To choose the black one.


Trip Information

How long does it take to go to London? For about 21. ______ hours.

When to lee? At 22. ______ .

What they must bring with them? 23. ______.

What color are their hats? They should wear 24.______hats.

How to deal with their problems? Call for help at 25. ______.

21._________22.__________ 23.___________ 24.________ 25.________



( )26. I______ a letter to my mother, but now I often send short messages to her.

A. am used to writing B. used to write C. used to writing

( )27. —Why are you so ______?—I passed my English exam.

A. cruel B. strict C. pleased

( )28.Linda felt _nervous __she forgot to introduce herself at the speech contest.

A. so…that B. too…to C. such…that

( )29. Students are not allowed ______ on the street ______it is too dangerous.

A. play…because B. play…because of C. to play…because

( )30. —Could you please tell me ___________ these old books?

—You’d better send them for reusing.

A. what to do with B. what to do C.how to do it with

( )31. _______ your eyes from the sun, you’d better ________ sunglasses.

A. To protect; wear B. To protect; not wear C. Protect; wear

( )32. This T-shirt looks ______and sells ______.

A. well…well B.good…nice C. nice…well ( )33. Did doing his homework______ his parents went back from work .

A. while B. when C. until

( )34. ______ her clothes are old, _________ they look clean.

A. Because; / B. Because; so C. Though; /

( )35. After hard work, we _________ the answer to the math problem at last.

A. got along with B. caught up with C. came up with

( )36. This room is ____________ours.

A. as twice as big B. twice times as big as C. twice as big as

( )37. —Does Ted tell you if he ______next Sunday?

—No, but if he ______, I’ll give you a call.

A. will come/will come B. comes/will come C. will come/comes

( )38. —I am quite sure ______ to eat noisily during a meal in Japan.

A. that’s polite B. that it’s polite C. if that’s impolite

( )39. —Can we hold a sports meeting next Saturday?

—This depends on _________ the weather is fine.

A. that B. whether C. if

( )40. —Do you know _______ yesterday?

—He has a bad cold.

A. what the trouble was with him B. what the matter was with him

C. what was the matter with him.


An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden. He took care of 41____all the time, watering and fertilizing them. One day a young man passed 42_____the garden. He looked at the beautiful flowers, imagining how happy he could be 43_____he lived in such a beautiful place. Then suddenly he 44______the old gardener was blind. He was very 45_____ about this and asked, “ You can’t see these flowers. Why are you busy taking care of them every day?”

The old man iled and said, “I can tell you four 46______. First, I was a 47_____ when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, 48______I can’t see these flowers, but I can ell them. Third, I can ell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’s 49______.”

“Me? But you don’t know me.” Said the young man.

“Yeah, it’s 50_____that I don’t know you. But I know that 51______thinks flowers are angels. We enjoy the happiness these flowers bring us.”

The blind man’s work 52_____our eyes and pleased our hearts. It also made his life 53_____. It was just like Beethoven. Beethoven wrote many great music, but there was something wrong with his ears in his later life. Beethoven himself couldn’t hear his wonderful music, but his music 54______millions of people to face their difficulties 55______. Isn’t it one kind of happiness?

( ) 41. A.grass B.flowers C.vegetables

( ) 42. A.from B.on C.by

( ) 43.A.after B. when C. if

( ) 44.A.felt B. found C. found out

( ) 45.A.surpried B. worried C. surprising

( ) 46.A.excuses B. stories C. reasons

( ) 47.A.teacher B. gardener C. worker

( ) 48.A.although B. though C. /

( ) 49.A.my children B. you C. my wife

( ) 50.A.wrong B. nothing C. true

( ) 51.A.everybody B. somebody C. nobody

( ) 52.A.closed B. satisfied C. satisfy

( ) 53.A.emptier B. busier C. happier

( ) 54. Amakes B. improves C. encourages

( ) 55.A.happily B. brely C. carefully



Every 30 seconds there is an earthquake. But don’t worry because most are so weak that they cannot be felt. Only a few big ones hurt people.

Many earthquakes happened in China, such as the big one in Sichuan on May 12, 2008. Thousands of people died in it. So it’s important to know what to do when it hits. Here are some tips (要点)on how to stay safe in an earthquake.

1. If you’re indoors during the earthquake, hide under a desk. Stay away from windows and anything that could fall on you.

2. If you are outdoors, move to a clear place. Try to be away from trees, signs, buildings and streetlights. Those could fall on you.

3. If you are in a shop and far from the door, don’t try to run outside and rush from exits. Everyone will be doing that and you’ll find it hard to get out. Don’t get into a lift during an earthquake. Just hide under some stong cover near you.

4. When an earthquake has ended, be careful because aftershocks(余震) may still happen . These are just as dangerous as the earthquake itself. So stay under the desk until you make sure it’s safe to get up.

5. If you are at home and ell gas, open the windows and get out of the building as quickly as possible. A gas line in your house may be broken. This could be very dangerous. ( ) 56. Most earthquakes are too_____ to hurt people.

A. strong B. weak C. dangerous.

( ) 57. If you are outside, it would be safe to ________.

A.go to a playground B.stay under a tree.C.stand by the window

( ) 58.If you are in a shop and far away from the door, you’d better___________

A.rush to the door right away B. run after the people quickly

C. hide yourself under a cover near you.

( ) 59. The best title of the passage is___________.

A. How dangerous the earthquake is.

B.How to be safe during an earthquake

C. Don’t be afraid of the earthquake

( ) 60. Which of the following is TURE according to the passage?

A.Most earthquakes are dangerous, so we must be very careful every day.

B.You’d better keep away from those things that may fall on you wherever you are.

C.If you ell gas at home, try to hide under the desk and don’t run outside quickly


Customs in different countries are different. If I he dinner with a Chinese host (主人), he always puts more food onto my plates. That often discomforts(使不舒服)me greatly. I he to eat the food though I don’t want to, because it is a bad manner in the west to lee one’s food on the plate. I notice that when a Chinese sits at an American’s dinner party, he very often refuses the offer(提供)of food or drink though he wants to he them. This may be good manners in China, but it is not in the West at all. In the United States, it is impolite to keep asking someone again and again or make him accept something. They will ask for it. If not, they will say, “ No, thanks.” If an American dislikes the host’s beer, for example, he may say, “No, thanks. I would like other drinks. Coke-cola if you he it.” That is what an American will do. So when you go to the United states, you had better remember the famous saying, when in Rome, do as the Romans (罗马人) do.


( ) 61. From the passage, we can know that the Chinese are usually impolite.

( ) 62.When a foreigner has dinner with a Chinese host, he often feels uncomfortable .

( ) 63. A Chinese often refuses the offer of food or drink at a dinner party.

( ) 64.An American wants something to eat or drink at a dinner, he will get it himself

( ) 65. When you go to a new country, it’s polite to do as the Romans do.


Clothes are very important in our life. Different people wear different clothes. Now let’s listen to some people in France talking about clothes.

Hello, I’m Betty. I started working this year, so I’m able to get new clothes more often than before. I think what I look like is really important to me, so I spent much money on clothes. I like to wear bright colors and always dress up when I go to parties. I often buy all kinds of clothes and try to follow the latest fashion.

Hi, I’m Jack. I don’t he much to say about clothes. Clothes aren’t the thing I’m interested in. I know little about the way of dressing. In summer, I always wear a T-shirt or something else.

My name is Alice. I would like say that clothes must be comfortable and feel easy to put on. Sometimes I buy clothes in some all street markets — they are cheap there. I change the look of my clothes quite often — put some flowers on them or use different buttons, just for a change. They’ll look good all the time. I go shopping for clothes about once a month. I see something and fashionable and it fits me well, I would go for it and then…

Different people wear different clothes. They are very important in our life. Now some people in France are talking about clothes. Betty started 66______ a year ago. She 67_____much for clothes and she will try to 68______ the latest fashion. Jack is different from Betty. He doesn’t he much 69______ in dressing. In Alice’s opinion clothes should be comfortable first and then70_______


The computer is a useful machine. It can help people very much in daily life. For example, it can se much time to do the same work, and it can help people ro work out difficult problems that people can’t do easily. What’s more, it makes more convenient and quick to send and receive messages. In the new century, it seems that it’s more necessary for everyone to learn how to use computers even for the old. The computer is really an important tool in modern life.

Today, more and more families he computers. Parents buy computers for their children. They hope computers can help their children get good grades. Yet, many children use computers to play games, to watch videos, and to sing karaoke, instead of studying. So, many teachers and parents complain that computers can’t help their children to improve their studies but instead make them fall behind. Because of this, computers are locked in boxes by parents.

In some other countries even some scientists hate computers. They say that computers cause millions of people lose their jobs or cause them a lot of trouble.

Who knows what the computers of tomorrow will be like? Will they really make life better, or will they bring trouble to people? The students today will he to decide how to use the computers of tomorrow.

71. Computers are useless machine in the daily life, aren’t they?


72.What do the parents buy their children computers for?


73.According to the passage, can computers really help children to study well?


74.Who knows what the computers of tomorrow will be like?


75. In some countries, why do scientists hate computers?

_________________________________________________ IV.情景交际。(10分)


M---Michael, J---Joe

M:--Hi, Joe, 76__________________?

J: I’d love to, but I don’t know how I can. What can I do?

M: Well.77_______________________________.

J: Yes. That’s easy. Sometimes I turn off the lights without thinking.

What’s next?

M: Second, you can ride a bike .78___________________.

J: That will se money, too. What else?

M: Try to recycle paper.

J: Oh, good idea. Newspapers, magazines, mails…79_________________.

M: And at last, take a bag when you go shopping. Don’t use plastic bags.

J: OK. 80________ I will tell them.


A: Good morning!81____________________________?

B: Good morning, sir. I’d like to buy a pair of pants.

A: Who is it for? Is ti for you, madam?

B: No, It’s for my daughter.

A: 82__________________________________________?

B: Size L.

A: How about this blue pair?

B: It looks nice. 83________________________________.

A. It’s cotton. It’s made of natural materials.

B. Good. It feels soft, too.84__________________________.

A: It’s 88yuan.

B: It’s a bit expensive. 85_____________________________?

A: How about 70 Yuan?

B: 70 Yuan? Er, it’s really a nice pair. I’ll take it. Here ’s the money.

A: Thanks, madam. See you next time.






4.参考词汇有:advice, keep healthy, take exercise, junk food (食品), enough sleep, oke, wine, keep happy


Dear boys and girls,



一、 听力测试共15小题,计25分



1. Who is the tallest?

A. Ken B. John C. Peter

2. Where did Tina go on vacation?

A. To London. B. To New York. C. To Pairs.

3. What is the girl going to be when she grows up?

A. A teacher. B. A Pianist. C. A doctor.

4. How often does the woman go to the movies?

A. Twice a month. B. Once a month C. Three time a week

5. How does Alice usually go to school?

A. On foot. B. By car. C. By bus




6. When is Adam leing for Shanghai?

A. On October 11th B. on November 11th C. on October 12th

7. How is Adam going to get there?

A. By train. B. By air. C. By car.

8. Where is Judy going for vacation?

A. To Xiamen B. To Shenzhen C. To Nanjing


9. When will Henry take a trip to Sunland?

A. This weekend. B. This Summer vacation. C. This winter holiday.

10. What does Lisa think of the people at Sunland?

A. Friendly B. Bored. C. Relaxed.

11. How many days did Lisa stay at Sunland?

A. Four. B. Five. C. Six.



12. What kind of activity will be held according to the passage?

A. An English talk.

B. An English party.

C. An English class.

13. Where will the activity be held?

A. On the playground.

B. In the classroom.

C. In the library.

14. What time will the activity start?

A. At 2:00 p.m.

B. At 5:00 p.m.

C. At 7:00 p.m.

15. Who will be the speaker?

A. A student from No.12 Middle School.

B. An English teacher from No. 12 Middle School.

C. An English teacher from No.2 Middle School.

笔试部分 95

二、单项填空 共15小题,计15分


16. The underlined part in the word “accept” is pronounced as ________.

A. / ə u/ B. / ei/ C. /e/ D. / ə/

17. It took me about half ____ hour to walk to _____ cinema.

A. an; the B. a; the C. an; a D. a; a

18. Dennis is funnier than ________ in his class.

A. any other boy B. any boy C. any other boys D. all the boys

19. ________ doctors fought against H7N9 in China in 2013.

A. Thousands B. A thousand of C. Two thousands D. Thousands of

20. Could you please show me _____ photos of your family?

A. little B. a little C. few D. a few

21. I can’t go to the party with you because I _____ prepare for the test.

A. can B. must C. may D. could

22. Kelly is good at singing. She sings ________ the famous singer, CoCo.

A. as well as B. as good as C. as better as D. as the best as

23. He was not late ________ it rained cats and dogs.

A. if B. before C. although D. unless

24.Please keep promises you make to ________ , Emily and Ken.

A. you B. yours C. yourself D. yourselves

25. ________ excellent basketball player Jeremy Lin is! I really love this talented guy.

A. How B. What C. How an D. What an

26. Julia is ________ in the world.

A. one of the beautiful actresses B. one of the most beautiful actress

C. one of the more beautiful actress D. one of the most beautiful actresses

27. ______ you don’t give up, your dreams will e true one day.

A. As often as B. As long as C. As well as D. As soon as

28.Some people waste too much water. They don’t believe that it can _____ some day.

A. keep out B. run out C. run out of D. be run out

29. The _______ girl can speak very well.

A. two years old B. two years old’s C. two-years-old D. two-year-old

30. – Tom, I can’t go with you this Saturday.

-- That’s too bad. ________.

A. I will wait for you. B. Catch you on Saturday.

C. Maybe another time. D. What else?




When you are in England. You must be very careful in the streets because the traffic 交通 goes on the left. Before you cross the street, you must look to the right first and then the left.

If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. Then the people on foot can cross the road. If the lights are green, the traffic can go and people on foot mustn't cross.

In the morning and in the evening when people go to or e back from work, the streets are very busy. The traffic is the most dangerous then.

When you go by bus in England, you he to be careful, too. You must always remember the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. He a look first or you'll go the wrong way.

In many English cities, there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the city very well. That'll be very interesting.

46. Before you cross a street in London, you must look to _______.

A. the right side only

B. the left side only

C. the left first and then the right

D. the right first and then the left

47. When you drive a car in England, you must _______.

A. drive on the left

B. drive on the right

C. ignore 忽视 the traffic lights

D. go very quickly

48. If the traffic lights are green, the traffic _______.

A. can go

B. must be careful

C. mustn't go

D. must stop

49. In England you can see some buses _______.

A. with two chairs

B. with two rooms

C. with two floors

D. with two drivers

50. Which of the following is right?

A. Before you cross the street, you must look to the left first and then the right.

B. If the lights are red, the traffic mustn't stop.

C. You must drive cars on the left in England.

D. In the morning and in the evening when people go to or e back from work, the traffic is not dangerous at all.


Laptop puters are popular all over the world. People use them on trains and airplanes, in airports and hotels. These laptops connect people to their workplace. In the United States today, laptops also connect students to their classrooms.

Westlake College in Virginia will start a laptop puter program that allows students to do schoolwork anywhere they want. Within five years, each of the 1500 students at the college will receive a laptop. The laptops are part of a $10 million puter program at Westlake, a 110-year-old college. The students with laptops will also he access to the Internet. In addition, they will be able to use e-mail to "speak" with their teachers, their clas ates, and their families. However, the most important part of the laptop program is that students will be able to use puters without going to puter labs. They can work with it at home, in a fast-food restaurant or under the trees-anywhere at all!

Because of the many changes in puter technology, laptop use in higher education, such as colleges and universities, is workable可行的. As laptops bee more powerful, they bee more similar to desktop puters. In addition, the portable puters can connect students to not only the Internet, but also libraries and other resources. State higher-education officials are studying? how laptops can help students. State officials are also testing laptop programs at other universities, too.

At Westlake College, more than 60 percent of the staff 职员 use puters. The laptops will allow all teachers to use puters in their lessons. As one Westlake teacher said, "Here we are in the middle of Virginia and we're giving students a window on the world.They can see everything and do everything."

51. The main purpose of the laptop program is to give each student a laptop to _____.

A. use for their schoolwork anywhere

B. access the Internet

C. work at home

D. connect them to libraries

52. What’s the meaning of the underlined phrase “portable puters”?

A. 手提电脑 B. 台式电脑 C. 电脑网路 D. 主机电脑

53. Which of the following is true about Westlake College?

A. All teachers use puters.

B. 1500 students he laptops.

C. It is an old college in America.

D. Students there can do everything.

54. A window on the world in the last paragraph means that students can _____.

A. attend lectures on rmation technology

B. trel around the world

C. get rmation from around the world

D. he free laptops

55. What can we infer 推断from the passage?

A. The program is successful

B. The program is not workable.

C. The program is too expensive.

D. We don't know the result yet.


56. Tom is seven years old now. He has dreamed of being a successful busines an for quite a long time. He hopes his dream will e true in the future.

57. John is interested in puter technology. He spends much of his free time on puters. Bill Gates is his hero. He would like to learn from Bill Gates.

58. Mary likes parties and she likes street dance. She says that she likes dancing to the music of DVDs. But recently she wants to learn jazz very much.

59.Betty and her boyfriend want to spend the weekend watching something new. They both like movies.

60. Mrs Green has a age daughter. They can't get on well with each other. Mrs Green is worried but doesn’t know what to do. Which book can help her?


Unmon sense for Parents Teenagers

This book is full of advice for parents. This question-and-answer book helps parents understand their children. This book tells you know to municate with your children.


The Road Ahead

This book is about technology and technological change, but most of the book is about Bill Gates' years. You will learn that he was a normal ager in high school and no different from you.


De's way

This is a fantastic book for agers. It contains quite a few simple tips on how to be successful in today's business environment. It shows you how to make your dream e true.


Dance Style-Jazz

The DVD will teach beginners jazz dance at home. It teaches you moves and steps carefully. Just follow and practice, and you will be a good jazz dancer.


Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

This book offers a great introduction to how our brain works based on the most recent scientific research into left-brain/brain differences. It is a fascinating lesson on how to use the different parts of our mind.


My Old Clas ate

This movie is telling the love story between Zhou Xiaozhi and Lin Yi, who wew deskmates and good friends when they were students. But what happened in the end? Do you want to know?



one, easy, talk, although, at, skill, other, we, alone, give

Making friends is a skill. Like most 61 , it improves with practice. If you want to meet people and make friends, you must take some actions. You must 62 go where there are people. You won’t make friends staying home 63 .

Joining a club or a group, talking with those who like the same things as you do is much 64 . Or join someone in some activities.

Many people are nervous when they are 65 to new people. After all, meeting strangers means facing the unknown. And it’s human nature to feel a bit unfortable about unknown. Most of our fears about dealing with new people es from doubt怀疑 about 66 . We imagine other people are judging评判 us, finding us too tall or too short, too this or too that. But don’t forget that they must be feeling the same way. Try to accept yourself as you are, and try to put the other person at ease. You’ll both feel more fortable.

Try to act with self-confidence自信 67 you don’t feel that way. Walk with your back straight, look directly 68 other people and ile.

If you see someone you’d like to speak to, say something. Don’t wait for 69 to start a conversation.

Just meeting someone new does not mean that you will make friends with that person—friendship is “70 and take”. It takes time and effort to develop.



71.I he two friends, we s everything..

72. John didn’t play the piano well, I did even w .

73. There was an accident yesterday, a boy f into the river .

74.People should use cars less, or there will be more p_______.

75. Tim has a s________, so he should not eat anything for twenty-four hours.

76. It’s dangerous to tell your p___________ rmation to any stranger online.

77.Everyone should stop c_________ trees to protect environment.

78. No one can get successful easily u___________ he works hard.

79. I’m going to move s________ quiet and beautiful.

80. She is not f_______ well. She has a cold.



Problems Resolutions How to do it

My parents

Busy and tired


Take a vacation

Not good at English

Improve English Practice speaking English

Listen to English tapes and songs

Watch English programs

Ask teachers or friends for help



This winter vacation is ing. In my family, we he different resolutions. My parents


A good plan is half done. We’re sure that we will he a wonderful winter vacation.


听力:1-5 ACBAA 6-8CBC 9-11BAB 12-15 A C A C

单项:16-20 CAADD 21-25BACDD 26-30 D B B D C

完型:31-35 BBCDD 36-40 CBDCB 41-45AACAC

阅读:46-50 D A A C C 51-55 A A C C D 56-60 CBDFA

词语填空:61. skills 62. first 63. alone 64,easier 65. talking

66.ourselves 67.although 68.at 69.others 70.give

单拼: 71. share 72.worse 73.fell 74. pollution 75.stomachache

76. personal 77.cutting 78.unless 79.somewhere 80.feeling



This winter vacation is ing. In my family, we he different resolutions. My parents are too busy and tired because of their work. So they decide to take a vacation to relax. As for me, I’m not good at English. So I’ll do a lot of learning in order to improve my English. I am going to practice speaking English. And I plan to listen to English tapes and songs. I love watching movies. So I think it’s also a good way to improve my English by watching English programs. If I he any problems, I will ask my teachers or friends for help. I believe I can do better in English through my hard work.

A good plan is half done. We’re sure that we will he a wonderful winter vacation.


这篇关于初二下册英语期末试卷附加答案,是 无 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! 一. 看图拼写单词(共10分,每小题1分)

1. Do you know what is in the _n_ _l_p_? 2. He likes s _ _t_ng very much.

3. Their son will start c_ _l_ge in January. 4. His hobby is collecting st_ _ps.

5. He drew a fl_ _ _r. 6. He was very poor. He has no c_ _n with him.

7. The w_nd_ _ is very clean. 8. It is a picture of an _ mp_r_r.

9. He runs very f_ _t. 10. The k_ _e is flying high in the sky.

二. 单项填空(共20分,每小题1分)


11. Be more careful with your work ____.

A.just thenB.since thenC.a moment laterD.from now on

12. Can you tell us ______?

A. where he you goneB. where you he gone

C. where he you beenD. where you he been

13. Do you think it will _________ this afternoon?

A. rainyB. rainsC. raining D. rain

14. I don't like going out. I'm very _______.

A. funnyB. quietC. quiteD. active

15. I used to be shy. I couldn't ___________________.

A.aloneB. speak in front of a large group

C. say anythingD. try

16. The children ____ by the nurse.

A. were lookedB. looked afterC. were looked afterD. looked

17. They ____ printing 500 copies by the end of last month.

A. had finishedB. he finishedC. had been finishedD. he been finished

18. They ______ day and night.

A. are made workB. are made to workC. made to be workedD. are making to work

19. Chang'an Road is ______of people.

A. filledB. fillC. fullD. fulled

20. A strange thing _____ in our school yesterday.

A. was happenedB. has been happenedC. happenedD. was going to happen

21. — Must I come here at eight o'clock ?— No,you ____. You may come a little later.

A. mustn'tB. needn'tC. may notD. can't

22. When the teacher came in,the students stopped ____ and became quiet.

A. talkingB. to talkC. saying D. to say

23. I'll finish my homework ________ a minute.

A. forB. atC. inD. with

24. Don't let the children play with knives,or they may cut ______.

A. themB. themselvesC. they D. theirs

25. —_____ do you listen to Radio English?—Every day.

A. How manyB. How oftenC. How muchD. How long

26. This math problem is so difficult that ____ students can work it out.

A. a fewB. fewC. a littleD. little

27. —No matter ____ he does,he is always careful.

—You are right. He is the most careful boy in our class.

A. whatB. whereC. whenD. how

28. If it ___ rain,I'll go.

A. doesn'tB. won'tC. don'tD. isn't

29. —What's the weather like tomorrow?—The radio says it is going to be even _____.

A. bad B. worseC. worstD. badly

30. Do you mind _____ the radio a little bit? I'm doing my homework.

A. turning onB. turning downC. turning offD. turning up

三. 完形填空 (共10分,每小题1分) 根据短文内容选择正确答案

I was riding my motorbike along a country road near Chilton on the evening of February 15. I 31 it was about 9:30. It was 32 and I couldn't see things clearly. So I was driving very 33,but the road was bad and suddenly my bike 34 a stone,and before I could stop my bike,I was already 35 on the ground. My whole 36 hurt,especially(特别) my left arm. I knew I was bleeding(流血),and I 37 get up. Luckily I was 38 by a policeman. He made a telephone call and I was taken to the 39. There I was examined. I had a broken arm and lots of cuts. My arm was put in a cast(石膏绷带) and my cuts were 40 and bandaged(包扎).

31. A. told B. saidC. guessD. thought

32. A. darkB. far C. long D. later

33. A. fastB. wellC. carefullyD. carelessly

34. A. kickedB. hit C. beat D. touched

35. A. standingB. sleeping C. waitingD. lying(躺)

36. A. mindB. bodyC. head D. arm

37. A. couldn'tB. didn't C. wouldn't D. might not

38. A. caughtB. held C. led D. found

39. A. police station B. village C. doctor D. hospital

40. A. stopped B. repaired C. servedD. cleaned

四. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分)



A treller(旅行者) came out of the airport(飞机场) There were a lot of taxis. He asked every taxi-driver his name. Then he took the third one. It cost 5 dollars(美元) from the airport to the hotel.“How much does it cost for the whole day?” the man asked.“100 dollars, ”said the taxi-driver. This was very dear,but the man said it was OK.

The taxi-driver took the man everywhere. He showed him all the parks and museums in the city. In the evening they went back to the hotel(旅馆). The treller ge the taxi-driver 100 dollars and said,“What about tomorrow? ”The taxi-driver looked at the man and said,“Tomorrow? It's another 100 dollars. ”But the man said,“That's OK! See you tomorrow. ”The taxi-driver was very pleased.

The next day the taxi-driver took the treller everywhere again. They visited(参观) all the parks and museums again. And in the evening they went back to the hotel. The man ge the taxi-driver 100 dollars again and said,“I'm going home tomorrow. ”The taxi-driver was sorry because he liked the treller and,above all,100 dollars a day was a lot of money.“So you're going home. Where do you come from?”he asked.“I come from New York.”“New York!”said the taxi-driver,“I he a sister in New York. Her name is Susannah. Do you know her?”“Of course I know her. She ge me 200 dollars for you! ”

41.Where did the treller come from?


42.Why did the treller take the third taxi? Because ____.

A.the other taxi-driver asked for more money

B.the third taxi-driver was a kind-hearted(热心肠的) man

C.he didn't want to spend his own money on the coming visit

D.the other driver didn't like him

43.Usually the cost of the trelling one day may be ____.

A.$100B.$200C.less than $100D.more than $200

44.Who asked the treller to give the money for the taxi-driver?

A.The treller's sister.B.The treller himself.C.Nobody.

D.The driver's sister.

45.The driver was unhappy ____.

A.when he heard the treller's last words

B.when the treller asked every taxi-driver his name

C.when the treller asked him for his sister's name

D.during the two-day visit


When tea and coffee were first introduced to Europe in the 18th century,people had different ideas about their use. Some said that tea and coffee were harmful to humans and they could cause people to die.

In Sweden(瑞典),King Gustaf Ⅲ decided to find out whether or not this was true. It happened that there were two brothers in prison at that time. They were twins and were almost exactly alike in every way. They had both been sentenced to death(). The King decided to let them live if one of the men agreed to drink several cups of tea each day and the other several cups of coffee.

Both brothers lived many years without problems of any kind. At last,the brother who had drunk tea every day died at the age of 83,the other died a few years later.

Because of the experiment,tea and coffee got accepted(接受) and became popular as drink in Sweden,and it is one of the many countries of the world where much tea and coffee is drunk today.

46. Tea and coffee were first introduced to Europe in ______.

A. the eighth centuryB. the eigh century

C. eighth centuriesD. eigh centuries

47. King Gustaf Ⅲ decided to find out ______.

A. if(是否) tea and coffee were harmful to people

B. if the twin brothers should be sentenced to death

C. if tea and coffee did harm to people's health and caused them to die

D. whether tea and coffee were useful or not

48. The King decided to let the brothers live ______.

A. if they wanted to obey his rules B. if they agreed to drink tea and coffee every day

C.if one of them drink several cups of tea each day while the other had several cups of coffee

D. if they agreed to he several cups of tea every day

49. The brother who had drunk tea every day lived ______.

A. until he was over 83

B. until he was 83

C. until the other had been dead for several years

D. until he had drunk tea for a few years

50. Today the Swedish drink ______.

A. much more coffee than teaB. much tea and coffee

C. little tea and coffeeD. much tea but little coffee


Soon it would be the holidays. But before that,there were the end of year exams. All the students had been working hard for some time. If they didn't pass,they would he to retake the exams in September. There were usually a few who failed,but Kate decided not to be one of them. She had worked hard all day,but just before the exams she was working so hard that her sister was worried about her. She was staying up too late. The night before the first exam, Barbala insisted(坚持) that she should he an early night and take a sleeping pill. She promised(许诺) to wake her in the morning.

As she was falling asleep,Kate was worried in case(万一) she over-slept. Her mind kept jumping from subject to subject. At last,with the help of the pill,she fell asleep. In no time at all,she was sitting in the examination hall, looking at the paper. She couldn't answer any of the questions. Everyone round her was writing pages and pages. However hard she thought,she couldn't find anything to write about. She kept looking at her watch. Time was running out. There was only one hour left. She started one question,wrote two sentences,ge up and tried another one. With only half an hour left she wrote another two sentences. By this time she was so worried that she started crying. Her whole body shook(摇晃,震颤). It shook so much that it woke her up. She was still in bed and it had all been a terrible dream. A minute later, Barbala called her name.

51. Which of the following is true?

A. All the students were usually successful in their exams.

B. Most of the students usually passed the year exams.

C. Only some of the students could pass the end of year exams.

D. None of the students would take the exams again in September.

52. When you prepare for an exam,________.

A. you go over your lessons.B. You read new books.

C. You take the exam again and again.D. You look through the exam.

53. Kate worked very hard before the exams for ______.

A. she was very poor at her lessons.B. she decided to be the best one in her class.

C. she didn’t work hard all year.D. she didn’t want to fail in them.

54. Why did Barbala insist that Kate should take a sleeping pill?

A. Because she thought Kate should oversleep before the first exam.

B. Because Kate was so worried about her exams that she couldn’t go to sleep at all.

C. Because Barbala hoped her sister would he a good sleep before the first exam.

D. Because she had promised to wake her up the next morning.

55. Kate dreamed a terrible dream simply because ______.

A. she had taken a sleeping pill.B. she was too worried about her exams.

C. her sister had forgotten to wake her up.D. she did not pass the exams.



56. u ______v. to know or get the meaning of (something)

57. F ______n. the second month of the year

58. f ______n. popular way of dressing or behing at a certain time

59. j ______n. trousers made of strong cotton cloth (denim)

60. s ______adj. unhappy


61. She bought some books for me last Sunday.(就画线部分提问)

____ ____ she ____ for you last Sunday?

62. Mr.Black teaches in a middle school.(改为一般疑问句)

____ Mr.Black ____ in a middle school?

63. My uncle worked in Shanghai for more than ten years. (就画线部分提问)

____ ____ ____ your uncle ____ in Shanghai?

64. Mike went to the park yesterday.(改为否定句)

Mike ____ ____ to the park yesterday.

65. The students are going to help the farmers to pick apples next Sunday.(就画线部分提问)

____ ____ the students ____ ____ ____ next Sunday?


66. 躺着看书对你的眼睛有害。read,in bed,bad,your eyes


67. 我出生于1980年6月18号。I,born,June 18,1980


68. 你不要在这条河里游泳。you,swim,in the river


69. 今天是几号?what,the,today


70. 凯特昨天在回家的路上买了一些蔬菜。Kate,buy,some,vegetables,way,home,yesterday




1. 第1格要求至少写出两个完整的句子;

2. 第2、3、4、5格要求将句子补充完整,单词数不限;

3. 第6格要求将You'd better…补充完整后,再至少写出一个完整的句子。

It was Christmas Day. My friends came to my house. We danced and sang together. We enjoyed ourselves very much. How time flied! It was time for us to exchange(交换) our Christmas presents. I went to my bedroom go get the presents. When I went into the room,to my surprise,I found my friend Ben 71 my diary. It was impolite to do that! But Ben was laughing! I was

72 that I was about to cry. Ben felt a bit sorry when he found me standing 73 him. I hated him and shouted at him. He went out of my room at once and went home without saying goodbye to any of us. One of my best friends Any asked me why Ben 74 so early. I told her what had just happened. She seemed to know what should do. She said to me,“Don't shout at him. You'd better 75.”

一. 看图拼写单词

1. envelope 2. skating3. college4. stamps

5. flower 6. coin7. window 8. emperor

9. fast 10. kite

二. 单项填空

11. D12. D13. D14. B15. B16. C17. A18. B19. C20. C

21. B22. A23. C24. B25. B26. B27. A28. A29. B30. B

三. 完形填空

31. D32. A33. C34. B35. D36. B37. A38. D39. D40. D

四. 阅读理解




五. 单词拼写

56. understand57. February58. fashio59. jeans60. sad

六. 句型转换

61. What,did,buy 62. Does,teach 63. How,long,did,work

64. didn't,go 65. What,are,going,to,do

七. 看词组句

66. Reading in bed is bad for your eyes.67. I was born on June 18,1980.

68. You'd better not swim in the river69. What's the date today?

70. Kate bought some vegetables on her way home yesterday.

八. 书面表达

71. was reading72. so angry73. in front of74. went back / home / away

75. pardon him / get on well with him / say sorry to him.

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