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fever歌词中文 fever歌词rosy

日期·2024-10-10 09:02


1、Staring at the ceiling in the dark 黑夜中凝视天花板Sheets are in a knot 床单乱成一团My heart is like rock, hey 嘿 我的心像岩石一般,Pictures flashing by inside my head 画面在脑海闪现I'm hanging by a thread 我命悬一线But I'd do it all again, hey 嘿但是我再次重复所有的事情I keep running away, running away 我一直在逃离,一直逃离Running away from you离你而去But I can't stand breaking the chains但我不能接受与你断绝联系 Breaking the chains, breaking the chains 断绝关系It's too good 太好了Coz I know the second you go 因为我知道你走的第二天Want you to bring it on back, bring it on back 想要你回来Bring it on back to me回到我身边And you know I want your chokehold 你知道我需要你窒息的爱Want you to bring it on back, bring it on back 我想要你回来Bring it on back to me 回到我身边Bring it on back to me Bring it on back to me 回到我身边Oh without your touch I suffocate 哦 没有我觉得快窒息的抚摸Cold asphyxiate 快无法呼吸But I kinda like the pain, yeah 但我真的喜欢这份疼痛Baby, I can smell you on my clothes 宝贝,我闻到衣服上你的气息I try to stay composed 我试着一动不动But I feel a fever grow, grow 但我感觉热流一直在上升。


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